M. Fujita, Y. Domae, A. Noda, G. A. Garcia Ricardez, T. Nagatani, A. Zeng, S. Song, A. Rodriguez, A. Causo, I. M. Chen & T. Ogasawara (2019) What are the important technologies for bin picking? Technology analysis of robots in competitions based on a set of performance metrics, Advanced Robotics, Dec 2019, DOI: 10.1080/01691864.2019.1698463
N Correll, KE Bekris, D Berenson, O Brock, A Causo, K Hauser, K Okada, A Rodriguez, J Romano, PR Wurman, "Analysis and Observations From the First Amazon Picking Challenge", IEEE Tran Automation Science and Engineering (T-ASE), no. 99, 2016 Oct, pp. 1-17, DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2016.2600527
LPH Toh, A Causo, PW Tzuo, IM Chen, SH Yeo, “A Review on the Use of Robots in Education and Young Children,” Educational Technology & Society, 19 (2), pp. 148–163 [download here]
A Causo, T Le Dung, SH Yeo, IM Chen, “Visual Cue and Vibrotactile in Series Configuration: Multimodal Feedback Design for Arm Posture Correction,” J. Med. Imaging Health Inf., 2(4), pp. 430-437, Dec 2012
ZQ Ding, ZQ Luo, A Causo, IM Chen, KX Yue, SH Yeo, KV Ling, “Inertia Sensor-based Guidance System for Upperlimb Posture Correction,” Journal of Medical Engineering and Physics, vol 35, no 2, pp. 269-276, Oct 2011, [download here]
A Causo, E Ueda, K Takemura, Y Matsumoto, J Takamatsu and T Ogasawara, “User-adaptable Hand Pose Estimation Technique for Human Robot Interaction”, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 21(6). pp. 739-748, Dec 2009. [download here]
A Causo, T Le Dung, SH Yeo, IM Chen, “Visual Cue and Vibrotactile in Series Configuration: Multimodal Feedback Design for Arm Posture Correction,” J. Med. Imaging Health Inf., 2(4), pp. 430-437, Dec 2012
ZQ Ding, ZQ Luo, A Causo, IM Chen, KX Yue, SH Yeo, KV Ling, “Inertia Sensor-based Guidance System for Upperlimb Posture Correction,” Journal of Medical Engineering and Physics, vol 35, no 2, pp. 269-276, Oct 2011, [download here]
A Causo, E Ueda, K Takemura, Y Matsumoto, J Takamatsu and T Ogasawara, “User-adaptable Hand Pose Estimation Technique for Human Robot Interaction”, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 21(6). pp. 739-748, Dec 2009. [download here]
Albert Causo, Joseph Durham, Kris Hauser, Kei Okada, and Alberto Rodriguez (Eds.), Advances on Robotic Item Picking: Applications in Warehousing & E-Commerce Fulfillment. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-35679-8
A Causo, SO Kamal, S Vidas, IM Chen, “Top Down Approach to Object Identification in a Cluttered Environment Using Single RGB-D Image and Combinational Classifier for Team Nanyang's Robotic Picking at the Amazon Picking Challenge 2015”, In: Advances on Robotic Item Picking: Applications in Warehousing & E-Commerce Fulfillment. Albert Causo, Joseph Durham, Kris Hauser, Kei Okada, and Alberto Rodriguez (Eds.), Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020, pp. 37 DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-35679-8_4
IM Chen, WT Yang, A Causo, SH Yeo, “Human Interface of Mobile Robot for Posture”, In: Designs and Prototypes of Mobile Robots. Emin Faruk Kececi and Marco Ceccarelli (Eds.), ASME Press, May 2015, pp. 135-164
A Causo, E Ueda, K Takemura, Y Matsumoto, J Takamatsu and T Ogasawara, “Predictive Tracking in Vision-based Hand Pose Estimation Using Unscented Kalman Filter and Multi-viewpoint Cameras”, In: Human-Robot Interaction. Daisuke Chugo (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-051-3, pp.155-170, I-Tech, 2010.2. [download here]
A Causo, E Ueda, K Takemura, Y Matsumoto, J Takamatsu and T Ogasawara, “Predictive Tracking in Vision-based Hand Pose Estimation Using Unscented Kalman Filter and Multi-viewpoint Cameras”, In: Human-Robot Interaction. Daisuke Chugo (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-051-3, pp.155-170, I-Tech, 2010.2. [download here]
R Song, ZYL Pius, A Causo, N Gnanaprakasam, Z Lin, IM Chen, "Fast Surgical Instruments Identification System to Facilitate Robot Picking", in Prof of the 2022 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2022), Sapporo, Japan, Jul 2022
M Fujita, Y Domae, R Kawanishi, GA Garcia Ricardez, K Kato, K Shiratsuchi, R Haraguchi, R Araki, H Fujiyoshi, S Akizuki, M Hashimoto, A Causo, A Noda, H Okuda, and T Ogasawara, "Bin-Picking Robot Using a Multi-Gripper Switching Strategy Based on Object Sparseness", in Proc of the 2019 IEEE 15th Int Conf on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2019), Vancouver, Canada, Aug 2019
Z-H Chong, R Luxman, W.C. Pang, Z Yi, R Meixuan, H Suratno Tju, A Causo, and IM Chen, “An Innovative Robotic Stowing Strategy For Inventory Replenishment In Automated Storage And Retrieval System”, ICARCV 2018, Singapore, Nov 2018
A Causo, Z-H Chong, R Luxman, YY Kok, Z Yi, W-C Pang, R Meixuan, YS Teoh, W Jing, H Suratno Tju and IM Chen, “A Robust Robot Design for Item Picking”, ICRA 2018, Brisbane, Australia, May 2018
ZKJ Kok, A Causo, Z-H Chong and IM Chen, “Designing Modular Robotic Architecture for E-commerce Bin Picking Task Fulfillment”, IEEE TENCON 2017, Penang Malaysia, Nov 2017
A Causo, ZH Chong, R Luxman, YY Kok and IM Chen, “Task Prioritization for Automated Robotic Item Picking,” in Proc of the 17th Int Conf Control, Automation, and Systems (ICCAS 2017), South Korea, Oct 2017
WC Tan, PC Goh, A Causo, IM Chen, HK Tan, "Automated Vision based Detection of Blistering on Metal Surface: For Robot", in Proc of the 3rd IEEE Int Conf on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2017), Xi'an, China, 20-23 Aug 2017
A Causo, ZH Chong, R Luxman, IM Chen, “Visual Marker-Guided Mobile Robot Solution for Automated Item Picking in A Warehouse,” in Proc of the 2017 IEEE/ASME Int Conf on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2017), Munich, Germany, 3-7 July 2017
A Causo, ZW Phyo, PS Guo, IM Chen, “Social Robots as Teaching Assistants in Pre-school: A Proof-of-Concept Study of Deploying Robots in K2 Classes,” in Proc of the 2017 IEEE Int Conf on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2017), Singapore, 29 May - 3 Jun 2017
ZH Chong, L Yee, A Causo, IM Chen, “Autonomous robot driving decision strategy following road signs and traffic rules: simulation validation,” 2016 16th Int Conf Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2016), South Korea, Oct 2016
H Zhu, YY Kok, A Causo, KJ Chee, Y Zou, SOK Al-Jufry, C Liang, IM Chen, CC Cheah, and KH Low, "Strategy-based Robotic Item Picking from Shelves," in 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2016), Deajeon, South Korea, Oct 2016, pp. 2263-2270
C Liang, KJ Chee, Y Zou, H Zhu, A Causo, S Vidas, T Teng, IM Chen, KH Low, and CC Cheah, "Automated Robot Picking System for E-Commerce Fulfillment Warehouse Application", in 14th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Taipei, Taiwan, 25-30 Oct 2015
A Causo, GT Vo, E Toh, IM Chen, SH Yeo, PW Tzuo, "Developing and Benchmarking Show & Tell Robotic Puppet for Preschool Education", in Proc of the 2015 IEEE Int Conf on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2015), Seattle, USA, 25-30 May 2015
A Causo, GT Vo, IM Chen, SH Yeo, "Design of Robots Used As Education Companion and Tutor", in Robotics and Mechatronics (Proc. of the 4th IFToMM Int Symp on Robotics and Mechatronics), Said Zeghloul et al (eds), Mechanism and Machine Science, vol. 37, 2015, pp. 75-84
A Causo, IM Chen, SH Yeo, "Measurement of Arm and Hand Motion in Performing Activities of Daily Living (ADL) of Healthy and Post-Stroke Subjects -- Preliminary Results", in Proc of the 2nd Int Conf on Intelligent Technologies and Engineering Systems (ICITES 2013), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 2014, vol 293, no XXII, pp 1155-1162
B Magyar, G Stepan, M Jurak, L Gelanyi, G Fazekas, A Causo, IM Chen, "Application of Dynamic Time Warping in the Analysis of Human Functional Movements", in Proc of 4th Int Conf on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom 2013), Budapest, Hungary, 2-5 December 2013
Q Yuan, IM Chen, A Causo, "Human Velocity and Localization using 3 IMU Sensors", in Proc of the 6th IEEE Int Conf on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (CIS-RAM 2013), Manila, Philippines, 12-15 November 2013, pp. 25-30
Q Yuan, IM Chen, A Causo, "Full-Body Motion and Velocity Tracking Based on Contacts and Body Kinematics: A Kendo Demonstration", in Proc of the 3rd IFToMM Int Symp on Robotics and Mechatronics (ISRM 2013), Singapore, 2-4 October 2013
A Causo, SH Yeo, IM Chen, "Measuring Activities of Daily Living of Stroke Patients using Integrated Upper Limb Measurement System and ADL Measurement Table", in Proc of the 7th Int Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology (i-CREATe 2013), 29-31 Aug 2013, Gyeonggi, Korea
WT Yang, KY Tee, IM Chen, A Causo, SH Yeo, “Portable Posture Guiding System With Visual and Verbal Feedback for Upper Extremity,” In: Romansy 19–Robot Design, Dynamics and Control(CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences Series), V Padois, P Bidaud, and O Khatib, Eds. Springer-Vienna, 2013, vol 544, pp 127-134
A Causo, M Soon, SH Yeo, IM Chen, “Rood’s Sensorimotor Approach-based Design of a Vibrotactile Feedback System for Upper Extremity Stroke Rehabilitation,” Proc of The 2nd IFToMM ASIAN Conf on Mechanism and Machine Science (ASIAN-MMS2012), 7-10 Nov 2012, Tokyo
A Causo, L Liu, G Krishnasamy, SH Yeo and IM Chen, “Integration of Wireless Wearable Sensors and Mobile Computing with Cloud-based Service for Patient Rehabilitation Monitoring,” Proc of the Int Conf on Intelligent Unmanned Systems 2012 (ICIUS 2012), Singapore, 22-24 Oct 2012
A Causo, T Le Dung, SH Yeo, IM Chen, “Vibrotactile Motors on Stationary Arm as Directional Feedback to Correct Arm Posture,” Proc of the 2012 IEEE/ASME Int Conf on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2012), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 11-14 July 2012
A Causo, T Le Dung, SH Yeo, IM Chen, “Directional vs Non-directional Modes of Vibrotactile Feedback for Arm Posture Replication,” Proc of the IEEE Int Conf on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2012), Rome, Italy, 24-27 June 2012
A Causo, WS Ang, J Lin, SH Yeo, IM Chen, “Intelligent Assist for Continuous Passive Motion Machine in Upper Arm Rehabilitation,” Proc of the Symposium on Emerging Technologies on Biomedical and Healthcare Application (SETBHA 2012), Taoyuan, Taiwan, 10 April 2012
A Causo, T Le Dung, SH Yeo, IM Chen, “Visual Cue and Vibrotactile for Multimodal Feedback in Arm Posture Correction,” Proc of the Symposium on Emerging Technologies on Biomedical and Healthcare Application (SETBHA 2012), Taoyuan, Taiwan, 10 April 2012
RT Labuguen, EJP Volante, A Causo, R Bayot, G Peren, RM Macaraig, NJC Libatique, GL Tangonan, “Automated Fish Fry Counting and Schooling Behavior Analysis Using Computer Vision,” Proc of the 2012 8th IEEE Colloquim of Signal Processing and Its Applications (CSPA 2012), Malacca, Malaysia, 23-25 Mar 2012
G László, F Gábor, P Orsolya, T András, J Mihály, S Balázs, C Gergő, IM Chen, SH Yeo, A Causo, “Instrumented Assessment of Post-stroke Reach and Grasp Function in Selected Daily Living Tasks,” 1st Singapore Rehabilitation Conference, Singapore, 10-11 Feb 2012
A Causo, ZQ Ding, K Yue, SH Yeo, IM Chen, “Vibrotactile feedback and visual cues for arm posture replication,” in Proc of the 5th IEEE Int Conf on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (CIS-RAM 2011),Qingdao, China, 19-21 Sep 2011
A Causo, ZQ Ding, SH Yeo, IM Chen, “Strategies in Vibrotactile Feedback for Improved Upper Arm Posture Mapping and Replication Using Inertia Sensors, “ Proc of the 2011 IEEE/ASME Int Conf on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2011), pp. 683-688, Budapest, Hungary, 3-7 July 2011
A Causo, M Matsuo, E Ueda, K Takemura, Y Matsumoto, J Takamatsu and T Ogasawara, “Hand Pose Estimation using Voxel-based Individualized Hand Model”, Proc of the 2009 IEEE/ASME Int Conf on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2009),pages 451-456, Suntec Convention and Exhibition Center, Singapore. 14-17 July 2009.
A Causo, M Matsuo, E Ueda, Y Matsumoto, and T Ogasawara, “Individualization of voxel-based hand model”, Proc of the 4th ACM/IEEE Int Conf on Human Robot Interaction (HRI 2009). pages 219-220. La Jolla, California, USA. 2009.
A Causo, E Ueda, Y Kurita, Y Matsumoto, T Ogasawara. “Model-based Hand Pose Estimation Using Multiple Viewpoint Silhouette Images and Unscented Kalman Filter”. Proc of the 17th Int Symp on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2008). pages 291-296. Munich, Germany. 1-3 Aug 2008. [download here]
CAUSO Albert, 上田悦子,松本吉央,小笠原司. “UnscentedKalmanFilterを用いた指と手姿勢の同時推定”,第25回日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 1H24, 13-15 Sep 2007.
AJ Causo, E Ueda, Y Matsumoto, and T Ogasawara. “Simultaneous Estimation of Hand-Pose Parameters Using Multiviewpoint Silhouette Images”, 第6回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2005), Dec 2005.
C Liang, KJ Chee, Y Zou, H Zhu, A Causo, S Vidas, T Teng, IM Chen, KH Low, and CC Cheah, "Automated Robot Picking System for E-Commerce Fulfillment Warehouse Application", in 14th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Taipei, Taiwan, 25-30 Oct 2015
A Causo, GT Vo, E Toh, IM Chen, SH Yeo, PW Tzuo, "Developing and Benchmarking Show & Tell Robotic Puppet for Preschool Education", in Proc of the 2015 IEEE Int Conf on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2015), Seattle, USA, 25-30 May 2015
A Causo, GT Vo, IM Chen, SH Yeo, "Design of Robots Used As Education Companion and Tutor", in Robotics and Mechatronics (Proc. of the 4th IFToMM Int Symp on Robotics and Mechatronics), Said Zeghloul et al (eds), Mechanism and Machine Science, vol. 37, 2015, pp. 75-84
A Causo, IM Chen, SH Yeo, "Measurement of Arm and Hand Motion in Performing Activities of Daily Living (ADL) of Healthy and Post-Stroke Subjects -- Preliminary Results", in Proc of the 2nd Int Conf on Intelligent Technologies and Engineering Systems (ICITES 2013), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 2014, vol 293, no XXII, pp 1155-1162
B Magyar, G Stepan, M Jurak, L Gelanyi, G Fazekas, A Causo, IM Chen, "Application of Dynamic Time Warping in the Analysis of Human Functional Movements", in Proc of 4th Int Conf on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom 2013), Budapest, Hungary, 2-5 December 2013
Q Yuan, IM Chen, A Causo, "Human Velocity and Localization using 3 IMU Sensors", in Proc of the 6th IEEE Int Conf on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (CIS-RAM 2013), Manila, Philippines, 12-15 November 2013, pp. 25-30
Q Yuan, IM Chen, A Causo, "Full-Body Motion and Velocity Tracking Based on Contacts and Body Kinematics: A Kendo Demonstration", in Proc of the 3rd IFToMM Int Symp on Robotics and Mechatronics (ISRM 2013), Singapore, 2-4 October 2013
A Causo, SH Yeo, IM Chen, "Measuring Activities of Daily Living of Stroke Patients using Integrated Upper Limb Measurement System and ADL Measurement Table", in Proc of the 7th Int Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology (i-CREATe 2013), 29-31 Aug 2013, Gyeonggi, Korea
WT Yang, KY Tee, IM Chen, A Causo, SH Yeo, “Portable Posture Guiding System With Visual and Verbal Feedback for Upper Extremity,” In: Romansy 19–Robot Design, Dynamics and Control(CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences Series), V Padois, P Bidaud, and O Khatib, Eds. Springer-Vienna, 2013, vol 544, pp 127-134
A Causo, M Soon, SH Yeo, IM Chen, “Rood’s Sensorimotor Approach-based Design of a Vibrotactile Feedback System for Upper Extremity Stroke Rehabilitation,” Proc of The 2nd IFToMM ASIAN Conf on Mechanism and Machine Science (ASIAN-MMS2012), 7-10 Nov 2012, Tokyo
A Causo, L Liu, G Krishnasamy, SH Yeo and IM Chen, “Integration of Wireless Wearable Sensors and Mobile Computing with Cloud-based Service for Patient Rehabilitation Monitoring,” Proc of the Int Conf on Intelligent Unmanned Systems 2012 (ICIUS 2012), Singapore, 22-24 Oct 2012
A Causo, T Le Dung, SH Yeo, IM Chen, “Vibrotactile Motors on Stationary Arm as Directional Feedback to Correct Arm Posture,” Proc of the 2012 IEEE/ASME Int Conf on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2012), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 11-14 July 2012
A Causo, T Le Dung, SH Yeo, IM Chen, “Directional vs Non-directional Modes of Vibrotactile Feedback for Arm Posture Replication,” Proc of the IEEE Int Conf on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2012), Rome, Italy, 24-27 June 2012
A Causo, WS Ang, J Lin, SH Yeo, IM Chen, “Intelligent Assist for Continuous Passive Motion Machine in Upper Arm Rehabilitation,” Proc of the Symposium on Emerging Technologies on Biomedical and Healthcare Application (SETBHA 2012), Taoyuan, Taiwan, 10 April 2012
RT Labuguen, EJP Volante, A Causo, R Bayot, G Peren, RM Macaraig, NJC Libatique, GL Tangonan, “Automated Fish Fry Counting and Schooling Behavior Analysis Using Computer Vision,” Proc of the 2012 8th IEEE Colloquim of Signal Processing and Its Applications (CSPA 2012), Malacca, Malaysia, 23-25 Mar 2012
G László, F Gábor, P Orsolya, T András, J Mihály, S Balázs, C Gergő, IM Chen, SH Yeo, A Causo, “Instrumented Assessment of Post-stroke Reach and Grasp Function in Selected Daily Living Tasks,” 1st Singapore Rehabilitation Conference, Singapore, 10-11 Feb 2012
A Causo, ZQ Ding, K Yue, SH Yeo, IM Chen, “Vibrotactile feedback and visual cues for arm posture replication,” in Proc of the 5th IEEE Int Conf on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (CIS-RAM 2011),Qingdao, China, 19-21 Sep 2011
A Causo, ZQ Ding, SH Yeo, IM Chen, “Strategies in Vibrotactile Feedback for Improved Upper Arm Posture Mapping and Replication Using Inertia Sensors, “ Proc of the 2011 IEEE/ASME Int Conf on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2011), pp. 683-688, Budapest, Hungary, 3-7 July 2011
A Causo, M Matsuo, E Ueda, K Takemura, Y Matsumoto, J Takamatsu and T Ogasawara, “Hand Pose Estimation using Voxel-based Individualized Hand Model”, Proc of the 2009 IEEE/ASME Int Conf on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2009),pages 451-456, Suntec Convention and Exhibition Center, Singapore. 14-17 July 2009.
A Causo, M Matsuo, E Ueda, Y Matsumoto, and T Ogasawara, “Individualization of voxel-based hand model”, Proc of the 4th ACM/IEEE Int Conf on Human Robot Interaction (HRI 2009). pages 219-220. La Jolla, California, USA. 2009.
A Causo, E Ueda, Y Kurita, Y Matsumoto, T Ogasawara. “Model-based Hand Pose Estimation Using Multiple Viewpoint Silhouette Images and Unscented Kalman Filter”. Proc of the 17th Int Symp on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2008). pages 291-296. Munich, Germany. 1-3 Aug 2008. [download here]
CAUSO Albert, 上田悦子,松本吉央,小笠原司. “UnscentedKalmanFilterを用いた指と手姿勢の同時推定”,第25回日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 1H24, 13-15 Sep 2007.
AJ Causo, E Ueda, Y Matsumoto, and T Ogasawara. “Simultaneous Estimation of Hand-Pose Parameters Using Multiviewpoint Silhouette Images”, 第6回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2005), Dec 2005.